COVID-19 Memo


March 16, 2020 | COVID-19 Memo

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation continues to evolve, Furniture Marketing Group, Inc. (FMG) is monitoring the situation daily with a primary focus on the safety of our employees, clients, vendors and partners. We are fully operational, as are our key partners, and we do not anticipate any major interruptions to our supply chain at this time. Transparency and communication are cornerstones of our business practices. The following are key elements of our plan to adapt to the pandemic, maintain as much of a business as usual approach as possible, and protect our employees, customers, and colleagues.

Products & Services

We plan to continue providing the excellent products and services you’ve come to expect from us. We are regularly meeting with our key partners to discuss factors that could impact supply chains, manufacturing, shipping, and installation in order to plan for and respond to rapidly changing conditions. We will communicate any updates to our customers as quickly as possible.


Remote-working protocols and customer service coverage plans have been defined and are in place for all FMG employees to help minimize the impact to our customers.

Meetings/Customer & Showroom Visits

We are asking that our employees continue to follow the CDC health guidelines and begin to leverage technology and video conferencing for meetings where possible. If a face-to-face meeting is imperative, we are asking that these are conducted efficiently and that all are mindful of social distancing (6 feet apart).


All non-essential travel has been canceled for the foreseeable future. Essential travel will be limited to customer-specific needs and project initiatives that cannot be addressed by a format other than face-to-face.

We are all in this together. FMG’s collective commitment to health, to each other, to you our valued customers, and our business partners will help us navigate this unprecedented time. We are aware that this has created great stress and hope you are holding up well under this pressure.


Greg Almond
President & CEO
Furniture Marketing Group, Inc.